There’s work to be done…


I’m sorry I’ve been away for so long. 

Over this past few weeks, I’ve been so stressed.

My course hand-ins have been over the past few weeks. Last Tuesday, and tomorrow…well today, looking at the time.

This is my first year at Uni, so obviously alot to learn. With my course having no exams, I have alot riding on coursework hand-ins. Over the holidays, I thought I knew I had all this work to do, but I had no joy in getting it done…in fact, when I came back to uni, I found I’d barely done anything! It’s way too easy to procrastinate…and as a slow worker (because I’m a perfectionist) this is not how I was hoping my work would go.

I made alot of mistakes during this time, so many I ended up missing my first deadline. Luckily, as a first year with a relatively understandable reason for my lateness (only about 15 minutes), I was able to hand-in my work with no concern.

As long as I learn from my mistakes.

And that’s the main point really, I have learned, and I’ll never let myself get into that situation again. 

I’ve chosen to use this opportunity, to write about the things I’ve learned, in hope I don’t do this again, and others learn from me. 

So here we go;


1. Try organise your week. Not too detailed, just so you have an idea what could be done each day.

2. Find something that makes you work better. Lots of people think I’m crazy for playing music when I’m working, but it’s good for me.

3. Don’t underestimate the amount of work to be done. Allow yourself plenty of time, even if it means taking time off work.

4. Take the breaks. They always say take a break, do it! You may think you can work all day, but you just end up down.

5. If you are sat there staring at an empty screen/page, and just want to cry… walk away, take some time, look back later.

6. Do work when you feel your best. Day or night, if you feel fresh minded, you can do your work better!

7. Whenever your better working…sleep when you’re not. It’s not worth staying awake all the time! You’ll end up falling to sleep at the worst time.

8. Do things that relax you. Personally, I watch Disney films to settle me.

9. Don’t feel like you can’t ask a question or two to anyone, incase you annoy them. Getting your work done well is important, they understand that!

10. If anything needs printing, get it done as soon as you can…those damned printers play up just when you need them best.



11. Organise everything out. In the folders, in the right order…all easy to pick up in the morning.

12. Providing you’re happy with your work, give yourself a lovely night of relaxation. A shower/bath, music, a movie night…whatever takes your fancy! Be proud of yourself for all your hard work and get calm!

13. Set yourself, at least 3 alarms, take your phone off silent, and even get someone to call you in the morning! Be sure there’s no way you’ll oversleep.



14. Since you’re all arranged, all you need to do is grab your stuff.

15. Do what your going to enjoy for the rest of the day! Whether its a nice film with your best friends, or going to the pub with your course mates, just have one day without working hard! You deserve it!


The final  advice for overall, I hope is clear through the images.

Stay Calm!

So I’m not sure whether this will help anyone else, but atleast it proves to me that I know what to do next year…I hope I get these done!

Good Luck with any work anyone has to do!



You thought you had me…Think again!

My head’s been up and down for a while now.

I’ve been having trouble getting myself settled into the right frame of mind.

Over the past 3 weeks my head has told me I’m really sad, then really happy, then sad again. What am I feeling?

It began by me feeling on top of the moon, as I was acknowledged for really trying hard! I won the ‘Student of the Week’ badge for successfully getting through 2 presentations in a week, whilst fighting my anxieties. For a more mentally stable person, this is easier, not a breeze, but it’s easier. They can be nervous, but don’t need to cry and be sick and feel like running away. I can’t. So anyway, it felt good to know that people noticed how hard I had to work to manage this very personal challenge.

Then suddenly, the very same evening I felt so sad. I have no idea why.

I did loads of things to pull me out of my low stage. Including going out for a photography session where I live. This is one of the photos I took…


That day kind of brought me back to the reality that my sadness was unnecessary.

After that day, I began slowly but surely getting better again. People helped me along the way, my flatmates trying to make me happy, and my boyfriend visiting me, which made me the happiest girl ever! Thankyou to them!

Then yesterday… Another presentation. And I reacted in a way I never thought I would again. I had a panic attack. An hour before my presentation, I had to run home and calm myself down. I felt terrible! I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest and run away itself. And all for something I’d won an award for managing to do, just a few weeks ago. What the hell head? Why do you put me through this??

After I’d settled myself, I walked back to my lecture, sat down and told my group I was happy to continue with the presentation.


The presentation went wonderfully…so that’s me, once again sticking my middle finger up at my anxieties and proving to it, as much as it may think it’s got me, I’m always going to get back up and beat you down again. I love a good challenge!


