For the Carers…

I apologies for the lateness of this blog post, but a busy bee I have been!

So, my previous blog highlighted, that the 11th to the 17th of March was Mental Health Awareness week, so I aimed to post a post for the mental health sufferer, and a post for the mental health carer. These post, are a guideline to things you may do to help deal with mental health issues.

As previously stated, I am not an expert at this subject, but as someone who’s been both a sufferer and carer, there are a few ways I know can help someone feel better when they’re experiencing the complications.

So below is my list of things you can try, if you’re someone who is looking after a mental health sufferer.

  • Expect alot of confusion.

The mind can be a wonderful thing, but to someone struggling with mental health issues, it’s a whirlpool of emotion! Sometimes they don’t know what they’re thinking, never mind you!

  • Wear your heart on your sleeve.

I don’t know about other people, but it’s always nice to hear how much your loved and cared for. And if you feel at your lowest, it is a great help! Be honest about how much you care, it might lift their spirits a little higher.

  • Ask permission.

Sometimes, when someone is anxious and upset, their self awareness is really high. It can come as quite a shock to be held, without being asked. And sometimes, it’s not appreciated. If you’re going to attempt to console them, be sure they’re ok with that first.

  • Don’t take it to heart.

Sometimes, with the mind swirling at 100 mph, we can say things that are over exaggerated and unfair. If someone is struggling, they don’t need an arguement, they need a calm environment. So don’t allow yourself to get heated, just stay calm and discuss it.

  • Remind them they’re not alone.

No one is ever alone. But with the clouded head, it can certainly seem that way. Remind them you are there for them! And no matter what, you always will be.

  • Don’t try too hard to understand.

In the panic of the worst suffering, you feel the need to ask questions, what wrong? Why do you feel this way? What’s happening? You’re better off just consoling us. 20 questions would turn anyone into a nervous wreck!

  • Be proud of them.

You may not know it, but in their mind they’re battling some deep feelings! Tell them how proud you are, and remind them that they should be proud too! It’s a battle not everyone survives, but they are.

  • This is not failure.

Avoid any language that may make them feel like this is a bad thing. They’re allowed to feel this way, and with you by their side they can get through it! But if you say things like ‘Don’t be silly, there’s nothing to worry about!’ I’m sorry but you’re not the kind of person they need when they’re struggling! 

  • Hold on.

Sometimes people forget that it’s not just them struggling. Mental health doesn’t just affect the people suffering, but the people who are caring too. And it’s ok to admit that. Sometimes you won’t want to hear how they are feeling. But just remember that they need someone to care. They need you! And trust in them, that when you need them, they’ll do the same!

  • Finally, make the most of a good day…

When they feel good, make the most of it! It, for some people, rarely happens. So, spend the day with them to give them days that make them smile, as they will be the days they treasure when they’re low.

Thankyou for reading, and I hope that’s helped.

If anyone does need any advice, please comment below, I’m happy to help!



Useful Numbers you could call for help;

Mind Info Line- For advice concerning mental health issues

CALL 0845 766 0163

Rethink- for physical and emotional support concerning severe mental health issues

CALL 0845 456 0455

The Samaritans- offering emotional support 24 hours, for distressed issues.

CALL 08457 90 90 90